Susan M. Amorose
Susan M. Amorose, DMQ, RMT, holds a doctorate in the Ancient Chinese practice of Medical QiGong [cheekung] and is a clinical practitioner, certifying instructor, curriculum designer and speaker for integrative healing and alternative therapies, including Reiki, QiGong, Yin Yang theory, Sacred Geometry, oils, essences and meditation.
Our vital energy, or life force, can be utilized in a refined and conscious manner toward an increasingly better experience in our minds and bodies. Each of us is at the center of our experience and yet finding and maintaining center may never have been more challenging. Access and opportunity may result in overwhelm for many, and what passes for control or a sense of stability can feel threatened if not quite elusive. Through the practices and therapeutic experiences offered by Eastern modalities as QiGong [chee|kung] and Reiki [ray|kee], a series of beautiful and profoundly meaningful shifts are possible. Much more is possible for you and you most likely would not be reading this if you did not already sense this to be true.